Soul On Fire

Soul on Fire

Soul On Fire

When the soul is on fire,

So much freedom in the flames.

Free to release what’s hidden down inside…

Do you feel like dancing in the heat?

Do you babble, like the brook down the road?

Do you beg? Do you pray? Do you cry?

It may be true, that I write only to me.

Yet you are here in my mind,

Whether or not I know your name.

Come sit beside me and say hello. It’s been too long.

Let’s share as we’ve never shared before.

How long since you’ve been free to be you?

Are we strangers? Of course—

Usually, I’m a stranger to myself!

No wonder we share tension of loneliness.

At night, I hear the wind whisper:

“Read Me! Hear my voice and listen!”

And I know that Love has come to rescue me.

Within the flames of Love, I am born again.

Born in freedom to find what’s deep inside.

Why else, after all, would I write poetry?

Follow Your Grief

Follow Your Grief

Follow your grief for three days,

Like a hunter tracking wounded prey,

Carefully looking for blood upon the way.

Go down to the shore of the lake alone,

Where the white deer lies exhausted—

Having refused to enter dark water to save its life.

Be respectful in the silence…

Where only your own breath disturbs the tranquil air,

Your heart pierced by what you cannot hear or see.

Watch as shadows formed by Sun

Slowly lengthen to encompass both you and deer,

Life and death held, embraced and kissed in gentle light.

There is no need to speak.  No words will come.

One single tear forms within your eyes,

Then slowly falls upon your cheek.