After Rain Has Fallen

 Last night’s rain has fallen.
This morning under bright waking light
I glimpsed a glimpse of soul, sparkling—
Out among the drops of dew upon the grass.
As I watched from window,
I saw the Spirit of the World appear,
Two great souls communing
About music and the fallen rain.
Others woke from sleep,
Their unquiet hearts spoke,
Knocking at the door….
They flew among the branches of trees,
Sang as larks among the opening flowers,
Singing songs of peace for an angry world
That hungers for a song after rain has fallen.

Always, On the Verge of a Breakthrough


Dedicated to my dear friend, Ted Rice

Tonight, the sound of rain is like a cloak,
Drawn closer than during bright hours of day.
Wind whispers through canopy of leaves.
Darkness of night quietly hides whatever spirits
Move outside, alive, under shadows of the clouds.
No light is reflected from the quarter-moon….
Still, I sense a presence along with invisible stars.

Always, I am on the verge of a breakthrough—
Impossible the day before.  Only now….
Slowly walking on this path of life,
Surrendering to or surmounting hardships,
Catching small glimpse of understanding
I could not see until this moment,
Breathing in this nighttime field,
Yielding to greater clarity.

Was I so blind only yesterday?
I did not sense before how close the river’s bank?
I failed to sense the sacred presence alive within each plant?
I could not see the holy mountain standing in front of me.
What strange ideas of God now flow,
To contemplate Creator and Protector of the world
Is part of Life itself, eternity residing deeply, invisibly,
A Presence breathing even inside of me….

What mysteries move unfathomed in the Self,
Hidden inside layers of emotions, memories,
Thoughts that run from here to momentary clearing,
Now standing at the edge of larger meadow,
Extending far, far into the darkness….
I close my eyes and inhale deeply.
Only then, do I begin to see….

How Much Longer Must I Wait?

For Althea

Listening to the rustling of leaves
Coming from an early summer rain,
Moist air drifting in through open windows,
I find myself wondering where you are tonight.
Is it raining there as well?
Will we be together in our dreams as we sleep apart?
Is your skin also cool to the touch
Yet warm against the sheets….?
The room is quiet now, only the whispering rain
Gently tapping as it falls on the roof above my head.
There is no lightening thunder,
No moon behind distant clouds,
Only a contended solitude as I contemplate
The nape of your neck,
Curving thighs partly covered by red sheets….
Quietly count rising and falling of
Your breath, fresh with hint of mint.
I wish you were here beside me….
Cuddling, holding, kissing.
How much longer will I have to wait?
What will tomorrow bring?
Will I still be walking on the beach alone?